Yada S, Uozumi R. An early-phase clinical trial design in oncology with generalization ability. 42nd Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, July 19, 2021, Virtual. [Poster]
Fujii H, Kitazume Y, Uozumi R, Iihara H, Takahashi M, Arai T, Yoshizawa T, Murachi Y, Sato Y, Mikami T, Hashiguchi K, Takahashi K, Fujita Y, Yamazaki T, Hosokawa Y, Morozumi I, Tsuchiya M, Yokoyama A, Hashimoto H, Yamaguchi M. Association between capecitabine efficacy and proton pump inhibitors in patients with stage II-III colorectal cancer: A retrospective muticenter study. European Society for Medical Oncology Congress 2021, September 16-21, 2021, Virtual. [Poster]
Kawazoe H, Egami S, Hashimoto H, Uozumi R, Arami T, Sakiyama N, Ohe Y, Nakada H, Aomori T, Ikemura S, Fukunaga K, Yamaguchi M, Nakamura T. Peripheral blood count predicts immune-related adverse events in non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with nivolumab: a multicenter retrospective study. Annual Meeting of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC)/the International Society of Oral Oncology (ISOO) 2021, June 24-26, 2021, Virtual. [Oral]
Kawazoe H, Mori N, Ido S, Uozumi R, Tsuneoka K, Takeuchi A, Matsuo M, Yamauchi M, Yakushijin Y, Yoshimura M, Jibiki A, Yokoyama Y, Suzuki S, Nakamura T. Liquid formulation of gemcitabine increases the frequency of venous pain: Clinical outcome and suggestions for countermeasure. Annual Meeting of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC)/the International Society of Oral Oncology (ISOO) 2021, June 24-26, 2021, Virtual. [Poster]
Yada S, Uozumi R. Let’s enjoy the computer vision using SAS Viya! SAS Global Forum 2021, May, 2021, Virtual. [Oral]
Uozumi R, Yada S, Kawaguchi A. How to effectively recruit patients for adaptive enrichment clinical trials. 41st Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, Aug, 2020, Virtual. [Poster]
Yada S, Uozumi R. An adaptive design of phase I/II clinical trials for precision medicine using oncogene information. 41st Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, Aug 25, 2020, Virtual. [Oral]
Tominari M, Uozumi R, Becker C, Kinoshita A. Reminiscence therapy using virtual reality technology affects cognitive function and morale of elderly with dementia. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) 2020, July 30, 2020, Virtual Event. [Poster]
Saito S, Kato ET, Kato T, Shiomi H, Uozumi R, Shimizu Y, Kimura T, Nin K. A Survey of Weight Gain Perception in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure. 23rd East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS 2020) conference, January 11, 2020, Chiang Mai, Thailand. [Poster]
Uozumi R. How to Establish Pharmacokinetic and Efficacy Equivalence in Biosimilar Clinical Trials: The Use of Adaptive Seamless Strategies. 2019 ASA Biopharmaceutical Section Regulatory-Industry Statistics Workshop, Sep, 2019, Washington, DC. [Oral]
Uozumi R, Yada S. Blinded sample size re-estimation with survival data. International Society Biopharmaceutical Statistics, Aug, 2019, Kyoto. [Oral]
Uozumi R. Restricted mean survival times for the one-sample problem. 40th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, Jul, 2019, Leuven. [Oral]
Yada S, Uozumi R. A Bayesian simulation considering late-onset outcomes for phase I/II designs of anticancer drug combinations. 40th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, Jul, 2019, Leuven. [Oral]
Kawazoe H, Murakami A, Uozumi R, Yamashita M, Kobayashi-Taguchi K, Kusakabe E, Yamasawa H, Yakushijin Y, Nakamura T, Kamei Y. A four-drug combination of olanzapine, aprepitant, palonosetron, and dexamethasone for nausea and vomiting in patients with breast cancer receiving anthracycline: A retrospective observational study. Annual Meeting of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC)/the International Society of Oral Oncology (ISOO) 2019, June 21, 2019, San Francisco. [Poster]
Takada M, Yoshimura M, Kawaguchi K, Kotake T, Uozumi R, Kataoka M, Koyama T, Kato H, Yoshibayashi H, Suwa H, Tsuji W, Yamashiro H, Kataoka T, Ishiguro H, Tokumasu R, Honda M, Yamashita R, Yonezawa A, Himoto Y, Onishi N, Parida L, Morita S, Toi M. A multicenter phase Ib/II study for evaluating safety and efficacy of Nivolumab in combination with radiation therapy in patients with HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer (KBCRN-B-002 trial). 2019 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, December 12, 2019, San Antonio, TX. [Poster]
Kawaguchi K, Takada M, Kotake T, Yoshimura M, Uozumi R, Kataoka M, Koyama T, Tokumasu R, Honda M, Yamashita R, Yonezawa A, Himoto Y, Onishi N, Kato H, Yoshibayashi H, Suwa H, Tsuji W, Yamashiro H, Kataoka T, Ishiguro H, Parida L, Morita S, Toi M. Alteration of the tumor immune microenvironment signatures by nivolumab combined with radiation therapy for patients with metastatic breast cancer (Translational Research of the KBCRN-B-002 trial). 2019 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, December 13, 2019, San Antonio, TX. [Poster]
Uozumi R, Yada S. Evaluation of regional efficacy equivalence in developing biosimilars. Joint Statistical Meetings 2018, Jul, 2018, Vancouver, BC. [Oral]
Uozumi R, Yada S, Maruo K, Kawaguchi A. Formulation of Confidence Intervals for Difference Between Two Binomial Proportions from Logistic Regression. Eastern North American Region 2018 Spring Meeting, Mar, 2018, Atlanta, GA. [Oral]
Akamatsu S, Kubota M, Uozumi R, Narita S, Takahashi M, Mitsuzuka K, Hatakeyama S, Sakurai T, Kawamura S, Ishidoya S, Hoshi S, Ishida M, Mizuno K, Ogura K, Goto T, Terada N, Kobayashi T, Yamasaki T, Inoue T, Tsuchiya N, Ohyama C, Arai Y, Habuchi T, Morita S, Ogawa O. Development and validation of a novel prognostic model for predicting overall survival in treatment naïve castration-sensitive metastatic prostate cancer. American Urological Association 2018, May, 2018, San Francisco. [Poster]
Kono Y, Hattori Y, Nishino K, Uozumi R, Itoh S, Inoue T, Kumagai T, Morita S, Imamura F, Satouchi M. A phase I/II study of weekly nab-paclitaxel plus cisplatin in chemotherapy-naïve patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. The European Lung Cancer Congress 2018, Apr, 2018, Geneva, Switzerland. [Poster]
Uozumi R, Hamada C. Planning adaptive population selection design with survival endpoints. 38th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, Jul, 2017, Vigo. [Poster]
Suzuki E, Kawaguchi K, Sugimoto M, Pu F, Uozumi R, Yamaguchi A, Nishie M, Tsuda M, Kotake T, Morita S, Toi M. Gene expression profile of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in breast cancer patients may be contribute to the identification and the immunological classification of breast cancer patients by blood test. American Association for Clinical Research Annual Meeting 2017, Apr, 2017, Washington, DC. [Poster]
Kojima T, Kasai H, Tsushima T, Hara H, Mori Y, Ishihara R, Kato K, Hironaka S, Mukai K, Kikuchi O, Enomoto K, Tada H, Uozumi R, Kawaguchi A, Muto M. A phase II study of TAS-102 for advanced/recurrent esophageal cancer refractory/intolerable to standard therapies. European Society for Medical Oncology 2017 Congress, Sep, 2017, Madrid, Spain. [Poster]
Nagami S, Oku Y, Yagi N, Sato S, Uozumi R, Morita S, Yamagata Y, Kayashita J, Tanimura K, Sato S, Takahashi R, Fukunaga S, Muro S. Breathing-swallowing discoordination associated with frequent exacerbations of COPD. European Respiratory Society International Congress 2017, Sep, 2017, Milan, Italy. [Poster]
Uozumi R, Hamada C. Adaptive seamless design for development of biosimilars. XXVIIIth International Biometric Conference, Jul, 2016, Victoria. [Poster]
Yamashita Y, Uozumi R, Esato M, Chun YH, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Ogawa H, Abe M, Morita S, Akao M. Efficacy and Safety of Direct Oral Anticoagulants in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation in the Real-world: The Fushimi AF Registry. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2016, Nov, 2016, New Orleans, Louisiana. [Poster]
- Uozumi R, Hamada C. Interim decision-making strategies in adaptive designs for population selection using semi-competing risks data. ISBS/DIA Symposium on Biopharmaceutical Statistics, Jun-Jul, 2015, Beijing. [Oral]
- Uozumi R, Hamada C. Interim decision-making strategies in adaptive designs for population selection considering post-progression survival magnitudes. XXVIIth International Biometric Conference, Jul, 2014, Florence. [Oral]
- Uozumi R, Hamada C. Interim decision making strategies in adaptive designs for subpopulation selection. 34th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, Aug, 2013, Munich. [Poster]
- Uozumi R, Hamada C. An adaptive subpopulation selection design using time-to-event endpoints. XXVIth International Biometric Conference, Aug, 2012, Kobe. [Poster]